Linen & Uniform Management

Optimise management and availability

Improve your operations

Automation of key processes concerning your used and fresh linen, uniforms, and PPE which will help reduce the cost of processing your laundry.

Improve infection control

Reduce manual handling of used linen by automatically counting items. All items sent to the laundry are automatically identified and recorded.

Accurate wash count

High data accuracy can be used for billing, auditing, and end-of-life management of laundry. Reduce the risk of being overcharged due to discrepancies from manual counts.

Inventory management

Full visibility of items on site and at the laundry facility avoids operational inefficiencies caused by missing items. Identify lost or stolen items quickly and maximise availability across your hospital wards.

Real-time visibility

Real-time visibility is the foundation for smarter decisions. Understanding the current demand and availability of staff, assets and consumables allows you to focus resources to where they are most needed. High quality data enables you to trigger actions before any shortages affect healthcare provision or patient safety.

Why use RFID

RAIN RFID enables you to automatically locate, identify and authenticate items, assets, patients and clinical staff. Each tag has a unique identifier, allowing full visibility and traceability across locations and functions.

Hospital Operations Managers

Gain oversight of your assets to improve utilisation

Availability of fresh linen, uniform items and PPE is essential to minimise risk from cross-infections in your hospital. Make the safety of your staff a priority without exceeding budget by overstocking unnecessary items. Enable your team to identify disruptions in supply early, so they can act before it has any impact on your operations.

Healthcare Professionals

Improve effectiveness of your data to maximise your valu

Get the data you need to manage your operations efficiently. Ensure you know which items are currently available across your networks, ensuring you are providing the correct type and amount of linen to the right centres, maximising the life of each piece of linen, and being able to share this data with your customer to improve transparency and value. Efficiently check and approve invoices for laundry services.


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